🌱 The seed of the dream.

In 2017, our vision took shape as a coffee seed, with the belief that we could overcome limits and put the pieces of our puzzle together. Thus Café Cielo was born, a dream come true. Today, Café Cielo provides job opportunities to hundreds of coffee growers in Guatemala, and we are determined to continue growing. Our packaging carries values, effort and social investment, supporting the education of children who, like us, dream big.

✨ Social Commitment and Education

Our Mission

Café Cielo is a socially responsible company that works for the education and welfare of the people involved in its production and impact areas. We seek that the social investment we make benefits the producing regions and guarantees a better future for its inhabitants.

☕ An unparalleled experience

Café Cielo Experience

We are dedicated to offer you a unique experience around coffee. You will be able to delight your palate, learn about preparation methods and enjoy the warmth and culture around the best coffee in the world, Guatemalan coffee.

We are sure you will love it!

Learn about the beauty of our culture

Vive Guatemala

Our products are an opportunity to discover this beautiful culture. We believe in Guatemala and we want everyone to know it. We are committed to highlighting the best of it so that together we can proudly say: We are Guatemala!

🤝 United for development

We dream of our coffee growers

At Café Cielo, together with Fedecocagua, we recognize the effort behind every cup of coffee. With love, we join the development of coffee growing populations, working side by side to improve their lives and their communities.

🌟 A coffee with purpose

More than a Coffee

Our customers have joined Café Cielo's dream. We are working to build foundations that benefit the children of the world through education. We want to put our coffee bean and be part of the change.

🏭 The Heart of Café Cielo in the United States

Innovation and Freshness

Our plant in Tampa, Florida, is the heart of Café Cielo in the United States. This is where the magic really happens: from careful roasting to final packaging, every step of the process is designed to guarantee the maximum freshness and quality of our coffee.

Join Our Cause

Every cup of Café Cielo you enjoy contributes to a better future. With your purchase, you help provide education to children in vulnerable communities in Guatemala and around the world. Together, we can make a significant change!